Singing Guide: The Head and the Heart

Singing Guide: The Head and the Heart

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Welcome to Singing Carrots! In this article, we will learn how to sing like The Head and the Heart. This Seattle-based band is famous for its perfect harmony and a unique blend of folk and indie rock. To sound like The Head and the Heart, let's focus on their singing techniques and songs.

One of the standout vocal techniques that The Head and the Heart use is harmonizing. The band members have a tremendous sense of timing and an ability to work well together. You can practice harmonizing with Pitch Training, which helps you to match notes and practice on timing and phrasing. Also, learning more about vocal ranges, and how you can find your own, can help you with harmonizing. Take a vocal range test to determine your full range and know your comfortable areas in singing.

The band's vocals are often soft and mellow. To sing like The Head and the Heart, work on controlling your vocals through slow and deliberate breathing. A great warm-up for this is the Farinelli exercise. With this exercise, you learn to control your diaphragm muscles and get comfortable with breathing in a relaxed and controlled way. Additionally, the exercise strengthens your core muscles, which helps with breath support.

The Head and the Heart's music is rooted in folk music, and they often use acoustic instruments. To sound like them, try to match the style by choosing music that utilizes similar instrumentation. Using our song search feature, you can filter songs based on genre, artist, and difficulty level. You can then choose songs that feature similar acoustic instrumentation as The Head and the Heart.

Finally, keep the emotion and feeling in your singing. The Head and the Heart's music is known for emotive tunes and meaningful lyrics. To perform like them, you'll need to work on your vocal technique and emotion at the same time. Use the tips and techniques of singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, and then put it to practice with our singing course.

We hope this guide has helped you understand the techniques you'll need to sing like The Head and the Heart. Remember to practice regularly, and always keep an ear out for their latest releases!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.